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For this project I researched the influences of 16th and 17th century art on the current fashion image. Which fashion designers have been inspired by the Dutch masters? What are the similarities?


The ten selected paintings were scanned for color, material and shape. These three elements play a major role in the research into influences on the

contemporary fashion image.

Getekende silhouettes 411.png
Casestudy Influencers? Onze 16e en 17e e
Casestudy Influencers? Onze 16e en 17e e
Pan en Syrinx1.png
Pan en Syrinx2.png
Pan en Syrinx3.png
Marten Soolmans (1613-1641), Rembrandt v
Marten Soolmans (1613-1641), Rembrandt v
Marten Soolmans (1613-1641), Rembrandt v
Casestudy Influencers? Onze 16e en 17e e
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